Principles for Residential Care Workers Supporting Young People With Online Experiences

Launched today 10.01.24 This is a helpful tool designed to support residential care teams in their work to supportyoung people with online life.

Created by Adrienne Katz and Traci Good with contributions from members of the UK Centre for Internet Safety Vulnerable Users Working Group, it sits alongside the group's other tools: The Digital Passport and Principles for Social Workers Supporting Young People with Online Experiences. This means these three documents are designed to be consistent and aligned - no more conflicting advice!

It sets out 9 principles - and in each it illustrates good practice and explains when you should be concerned. It ends with a section explaining what a young person could expect if these steps were in place. Concise and clear, it is hoped that this will be a useful tool for practice and training.

Enable will offer training to residential staff working in a digital age, alongside our existing accredited training for foster carers.

Read the guide...

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